Jason Zuk, The Social Psychic Radio Show and Podcast | Listen Notes
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Acknowledge Synchronicity Within Your Life and Let the Universe Take the Lead

This Photo was Taken from a Post on Pinterest.com entitled

"Huge Bolt over Tampa Bay" By Old Boone

There are moments in our life when you are introduced to someone special who changes the path you take and contributes to an eventual paradigm shift, or the way that you perceive the world around you. We each have times when one’s view of ourselves and our place in the world alters itself practically overnight. Usually we attribute this type of situation to the moment that we first meet our childhood best friend, a long lost relative, lifelong friend, or a future spouse or companion. From the moment of a first introduction, you feel as if you know this special person from somewhere else or from another time, that they look familiar in some way, or that you can instantly trust him or her. Small talk at a party or social event quickly escalates to a deep multi-tiered conversation, and you determine that there is a reason why you have been introduced to one another. While some may attribute this rendezvous as a mere coincidence, I believe that there are greater things at work—something called “Universal Synchronicity.”

From researching the topic of Synchronicity on the Internet, I came across a website that provided some excellent examples of how Synchronicity might manifest itself in one’s life which can be found at http://www.crystalinks.com/synchronicity.html. I highly recommend this site for anyone who is interested in delving deeper into this topic. Please note that the following seven examples are taken verbatim from this site, since it perfectly defines the powerful role that Synchronicity assumes within our lives:

1. You are suffering with financial difficulties, yet money for basic expenses such as rent, food, and utilities, always manifests. You begin to trust this. At first you thank the universe or god, then you realize you create this abundance. You are learning to watch how you manifest and why, watching yourself from outside the box.

2. You have just received your last check from unemployment when suddenly a job comes along.

3. You walk into a book store not knowing what to buy, and the book you need falls from a shelf and practically hits you over the head.

4. You have been feeling ill with no clear diagnosis. You meet someone who knows a doctor or healer with the answers. All physical problems stem from emotional issues. Your soul will point out the patterns and hopefully the solutions. When the person is ready to heal, the doctor will be there. That person will often show up by synchronicity. This all stems from various levels of depression and self-sabotage stemming from one's DNA or life experiences that have worn them down. When you are confused and in emotional pain, you either have trouble manifesting synchronicities or they are major learning lessons.

5. You finally end a bad relationship and immediately another partner comes into your life as if by synchronicity.

6. You drive to a place where parking is "next to impossible" and someone pulls out of a parking spot or it is waiting for you.

7. You meet someone who interests you and touches your soul. Through synchronicity that person seems to come into your life repeatedly. You begin to feel a destiny with that person. You begin to think with your heart instead of your head. You connect with that person. In some cases the karma between the two people is positive but in many cases you have attracted that person into your life for a learning lesson whether you are aware of it or not.

This information was taken from the above-referenced site which can be found at http://www.crystalinks.com/synchronicity.html.

A Brief Intro About Me

Growing up, I enjoyed a very close relationship with my maternal grandfather who was a true “father figure” to me in every sense of the term. Coming from a single-parent family provided me with the unique experience of having a very close relationship to my grandparents as well as to my mom, since they each assisted with guiding me throughout life. I attended the University of Tampa and graduated in May 1997. During college, I always had the weird premonition and fear that when my grandfather passed I would be in a unfamiliar place with no one around to console me. My grandfather passed from a major stroke on August 12, 2004, and my spiritual life was transformed directly from this experience. And yes, like my premonition approximately eight years earlier, at the exact moment of my grandfather’s death I was in a strange place with no one to comfort me. Yet on the night of his death, my grandfather managed to visit me and instill that I should never mourn or grieve him as he remains connected to me all the time—like a strong Wi-Fi connection in one’s home—the signal is always there.

While part of my abilities may be innate, these skills were supercharged from my grandfather’s passing. My life has never been the same and I have cherished each unique experience since that time. At first, I was reluctant to explore my abilities due to a fear of the unknown. Eventually, certain things occurred which contributed to ultimately embracing my gifts and using them more regularly. Death became less of a mystery the more that I practiced my intuition and learned greater details about the Afterlife. From each session and reading, I realized that our Deceased Loved Ones remain a part of our lives in subtle ways even after they pass. They observe us and recall special moments of our daily routine while trying to guide and reassure us.

Between August 2006 and July 2007, I worked as an Attorney in Mississippi assisting my law firm at the time with handling its Hurricane Katrina insurance claims. I had the privilege of becoming acquainted with a very special friend in my former law firm who made me realize that I should not take any of my abilities for granted, and that when necessary I should embrace the opportunity of bridging the gap between those of us in the “here and now” and our Loved Ones in the Afterlife-especially if the overall purpose is to foster healing, reassurance, and inner-peace.

In August 2007, I briefly learned about the passing of an undergrad at my alma mater from a motorcycle as part of an e-mail that I received from our Alumni Office. I recall feeling sad for this student but working in Mississippi made me feel somewhat removed from the experience. I did not know the student who passed and had no connection to him other than the fact that we shared the University that he attended.

A few weeks later during one of my visits to Tampa and during a meeting with one of my younger Fraternity brothers who agreed to design my law firm website, a series of events unfolded which would astonish a typical skeptic. During my meeting with my Fraternity brother at a local restaurant, initially we discussed the general details of what I expected of my website and he took notes as I spoke.

Then something surreal occurred, I looked at my younger friend and asked him to lift his left sleeve and proceeded to blurt out that he “had a memory bracelet from his friend Nick who was coming through.” Nick abruptly flooded me with all types of information: He had a girlfriend named Lindsay who had brown hair, she was very attractive, and Lindsay was from the Boston area. She worked as a third-grade teacher and he wanted to let her know that he was still with her every day. Nick was in fact the student that I heard about three weeks earlier in that e-mail. His young life was eclipsed because of that tragic motorcycle accident. Then Nick stressed to my Fraternity brother that later that day he had to visit with Lindsay in-person and tell her about this information.

Nick wanted Lindsay to know that he was aware of her regularly wearing his sweatshirt, that she was lighting a white candle while thinking about him, and that she was routinely listening to his iPod. My fraternity brother wrote down this information as part of his notes, but he seemed unfazed about any of the information that I relayed to him from Nick. We proceeded with the rest of our meeting and concluded it about an hour later. I went to my place in Tampa and found myself tired so I took a nap. When I awoke, I noticed that my phone had three missed calls from the “781” area code which I did not recognize. Then my phone rang again, and I decided to answer it and I was shocked to find that a person named Lindsay introduced herself to me on the other line.

Lindsay proceeded to state following:

Our mutual friend called me and insisted that he come over to share information that he had to tell me about in-person. He told me that you connected with Nick and that you didn't mind having me reach out to you about this information. He promptly came into my room and handed me a piece of paper which contained the notes summarizing the information that Nick relayed to you. I was seated on my bed and started to read his written notes while he simultaneously told me: that you picked up on Nick and relayed that he was aware of me wearing his sweatshirt, that I was lighting a white candle while thinking about him, that I routinely listen to his iPod, and that there were love letters from Nick stored in a box in the closet.

When I received the call, I knew that I was about to hear something about Nick because I had just said a Prayer and asked to be sent a medium to confirm the messages that I was receiving from him after watching a show with Lisa Williams. I realized that Nick had directly responded to my request. I prayed to God for him to send me a sign and here it was laying directly before me. I wore his sweatshirt nonstop since his death, I cherished his iPod since listening to it made me think of him, and I routinely lit a white candle and left it lit while I was home. And there is a box in my closet containing Nick's love letters to me.

We met for lunch shortly thereafter and realized that Nick had introduced us to one another for a special reason from the Afterlife. Synchronicity was directly at work and paradigm shifts resulted for the both of us. Lindsay and I both further developed our gifts as mediums and psychics that we would eventually use to help others in our lives. I was introduced to a group of the most amazing people who I proudly call my closest friends and dearest associates. From the time of Nick’s passing through 2012, we likely picked up on Nick several hundreds of times. I gained great insight and confidence in my own abilities from these special sessions, and Lindsay deeply evolved her own psychic and intuitive abilities.

This is a Photo of Nicholas Kopplin who passed away on August 21, 2007 due to a tragic motorcycle accident while attending the University of Tampa and dating Lindsay. While I never met Nick while he was alive, I feel as if I know him on some personal level due to the many experiences Lindsay and I shared with him intuitively following his death.

Lindsay grew from this experience and ultimately pioneered her own path towards becoming a full-time Intuitive Medium and Practitioner. She started her own Radio Show on blogtalkradio.com in 2013 called “Intuitive Guidance with Lindsay Marino,” and decided to leave teaching at a public elementary school. On January 8, 2013, Lindsay invited me to appear on the first episode of her show--a great honor. The link below contains that special program which originally debuted on January 8, 2013.

Over time, I appeared on three other shows as a Guest-and each episode introduced me more to the importance of living on one’s own path and embracing the full benefits of Synchronicity and finally permitting the Universe to Take the Lead. Appearing on these shows provided me with the means to slowly pursue my own public route as a Psychic and Intuitive and to eventually decide to launch myself as “Jason Zuk, the Social Psychic” in January 2017. Each of these respective episodes can be found on the following links below:

Three Great Women

(Featured in this Picture Above From Left to Right is Melissa, Lindsay, Myself, and Megan.)

The final push to embark on my intuitive journey resulted from my other dear friends, Megan Strickland and Melissa Carroll. We were attending our mutual friend, Julia's wedding in northern Georgia in May 2016. Melissa, Megan, and Lindsay each knew each other for a while since they attended the University of Tampa and were members of the same Sorority.

Melissa has become a talented Yoga Instructor and an incredible Writer who has published and edited various high-quality literary works. Megan works as an entrepreneur and owns her own Crystal and Bohemian Jewelry Shop known as “Royal Suzie” which has gained notoriety in various online outlets and several well-known publications due to her unique brand and creative abilities. Lindsay has enjoyed her own success as a Psychic Medium and has garnered her own international acclaim with her unique style of reading for others and promoting spirituality to the masses through instructing others and regularly holding public events.

Words cannot adequately describe the true connection that we each continue to share since our initial meeting. Indeed Synchronicity introduced me to three amazing women who I proudly call the “perfect trifecta." This post has special meaning to me as I enjoy being able to reduce these earlier experiences to words for the first time and share them with you.

Think of the phenomenon of Synchronicity as impacting us the same way that the Moon affects the Tides. It ebbs and flows in and out of our lives and occasionally makes its appearance to alter the course of our unique experience in some subtle way. It can introduce us to very remarkable people and enjoy incredible experiences. While some skeptics discredit the impact of Synchronicity, I aspire to have you consider a broader approach than you might typically embrace. By sharing this post, I challenge you to think outside of the box, contemplate what has previously been discredited, and open yourself to the potential notion that we can communicate with our Deceased Loved Ones and Friends on a regular basis. Open your eyes, acknowledge its importance, and you just might observe the phenomenon of Synchronicity directly at work within your own life.

This image was taken from the website: http://pixdaus.com/moonlight-over-the-atlantic-ocean-moon-seascape/items/view/257007/. It appears that "Nocturnes" posted this photo which contains an original credit to "Erion C."

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